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LDEO Postdoc Jian Zhao taking water samples from a CTD rosette.

LDEO Postdoc Jian Zhao taking water samples from a CTD rosette.
LDEO Postdoc Jian Zhao taking water samples from a CTD rosette.
LDEO Postdoc Jian Zhao taking water samples from a CTD rosette.
LDEO Postdoc Jian Zhao taking water samples from a CTD rosette.
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Whelan, Sean Patrick
LDEO Postdoc Jian Zhao taking water samples from a CTD rosette.
Still Image
Image Of the Day caption:
Jian Zhao from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) takes water samples from a CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) rosette on board the research vessel Nathaniel B. Palmer during a 2015 expedition off Chile that was part of the DoMORE (Dynamics on Mid-Ocean Ridge flank Experiment) project led by Louis St. Laurent of WHOI and Andreas Thurnherr of LDEO. The team is investigating how cold, dense water that sinks to great depths eventually rises back to the surface to complete the ocean conveyor loop. They explored a theory that strong currents along canyons on the flanks of mid-ocean ridge mountains cause turbulence that mixes deep waters to shallower depths.
Photo by Sean Patrick Whelan
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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